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Sexuality and Severe Autism:

Sexuality and Severe Autism:

$ 34.95

A Practical Guide for Parents, Caregivers and Health Educators Sexual health and sexuality can be difficult subjects for parents and caregivers to broach with autistic children, made more challenging when children are at the severe end of the autism spectrum. This practical handbook guides you through the process of teaching about sex and sexuality, answering all of the most crucial questions, including: Why is it necessary to teach this subject to my severely autistic child? When is the right time to start talking about these issues? How detailed and explicit should I be? What methods are most appropriate? It addresses male and female issues separately and covers public and private sexual behaviours, sexual abuse, cross-gender teaching and liaising with school, in addition to the more obvious areas such as physical changes and menstruation.

Category: Autism/Neurodiversity
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Sex Education/Sexuality
Author: Kate E. Reynolds
ISBN: 9781849053273
Pages: 208

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