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Five Hurdles to Happiness: And the Mindful Path to Overcoming Them

Five Hurdles to Happiness: And the Mindful Path to Overcoming Them

$ 23.95

There are five obstacles that stand in the way of true happiness. Recognizing these obstacles and moving past them can be difficult, especially when we find ourselves caught up in work, family life, and other time-consuming activities. However, there is a way! In this guide, Mitch Abblett - a licensed clinical psychologist and consultant - outlines just what these obstacles are and how they infect everyday life. Drawing on Buddhism, psychology, and experiences from his personal practice, Abblett creates a unique teaching on how the five negative qualities found in Buddhist tradition can be studied in modern day.

Category: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Author: Mitch Abblett
ISBN: 9781611807288

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