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ADHD 2.0

ADHD 2.0

$ 27.99

The New Science and Essential Strategies for Thriving with Distraction - from Childhood through Adulthood Lost in the discussion of both childhood and adult diagnosis of ADHD is the potential upside: many hugely successful entrepreneurs and highly creative people attribute their achievements to ADHD. Also unknown to most are the recent research developments, including innovations that give a clearer understanding of the ADHD brain in action. Drs. Hallowell and Ratey, both of whom have this “variable attention trait,” draw on the latest science to provide both parents and adults with ADHD a plan for minimizing the downside and maximizing the benefits of ADHD at any age. They offer an arsenal of new strategies and lifestyle hacks for thriving with ADHD.

Category: ADHD/ADD
Subcategory: Adult
Series: Professional/Educator/Parent
Author: Edward M Hallowell/John Ratey
ISBN: 9780399178740

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