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Chewth Pick Chewable Toothpicks Neutral (Ark )

Chewth Pick Chewable Toothpicks Neutral (Ark )

$ 20.95

A charming chew tool designed specifically for teenagers and adults as a discreet way to chew, these chewable "toothpicks" are smooth, slender, soft, and chewy. The Chewth Pick is Ark's slimmest chew tool measuring in at .3" in diameter and 4" long. Because of the slender size, these are recommended for teenagers and adults with mild chewing needs. Sold in packs of 3. Please note: these are too thick to be used like real toothpicks. All Chewth Pick chews are the standard (softest) level - recommended for mild chewers (those who do not chew through anything).

Category: Sensory Processing Therapy
Subcategory: Oral Motor
Weight: 0.02

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