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Recognizing and Treating Hoarding Disorder

Recognizing and Treating Hoarding Disorder

$ 47.00

How much is too much? How can a mental health professional who sees clients in an office determine if hoarding is a factor in a client’s life? Here, Carol Mathews provides readers with the first-ever comprehensive clinical book on hoarding, covering every aspect of the disorder. Topics include: epidemiology and impact; screening tools and clinical interview tools for assessment; differential diagnosis and co-occurring disorders; when to suspect mild cognitive impairment and dementia; hoarding behaviors in children; how to differentiate normal keeping of items from hoarding; animal hoarding; the neurobiology of hoarding disorder; treatments, both psychopharmacological and otherwise; self-help options; and the impact of hoarding on the family. Pathological hoarding was first formally conceptualized as a syndrome separate from OCD in the early 1990s, yet it wasn’t until 2013 that hoarding received formal psychiatric diagnostic criteria in the DSM.

Category: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Publication Date: 10-11-2020
ISBN: 9780393713572

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