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What Do You Say What Do You Do at School Board Game

What Do You Say What Do You Do at School Board Game

$ 90.95

What Do You Say….What Do You Do…At School? is a colorful, fun, interactive board game for teaching and reinforcing important social skills that students need for successful interaction with their peers, teachers, and parents. The social situation cards in the game target reasoning, inferencing, pragmatic, narrative, and conversational skills. The question cards emphasize typical situations that children encounter at school, as well as peer relationships, safety precautions, following the rules, and interactions with adults. The questions are open-ended, requiring children to problem-solve and develop their own solutions to the situations. Additionally, the presentation of specific social situations encourages children to engage in role-play.

Category: Autism/Neurodiversity
Subcategory: Children
Author: Crist, Nancy Sheedy, Rose
Length: 18 in
Width: 18 in

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