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Interactive Activities & More Set <b><font color='red'>(Series - Adult)</font></b> (Volume 1)

Interactive Activities & More Set (Series - Adult) (Volume 1)

$ 89.00

Set of Emotional Wellness & Recovery Worksheets and Cards This reproducible workbook and cards are an invaluable resource for facilitators working with teens, adults, and senior adults. The worksheets and cards support emotional wellness and recovery with topics that include Supportive Relationships, Abuse, Coping, Positive Outlook, Grief & Loss, Wellness, Self-Empowerment, Rational Risk Taking, Fear Management, Spirituality. The workbook is spiral-bound for easy reproduction. The author is a well-known mental health professional, author and speaker.

Category: Addictions
Subcategory: Alcohol/Substance Abuse
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Ester R.a. Leutenberg

 Titles in the series include:

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