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Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Self-Esteem

Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Self-Esteem

$ 40.95

Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Move Beyond Negative Self-Talk and Embrace Self-Compassion Grounded in evidence-based acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), this workbook offers a step-by-step program to help you break free from self-doubt, learn to accept yourself and your faults, identify and cultivate your strengths, and reach your full potential. You'll also discover ways to take action and move toward the life you truly want, even when these actions trigger self-doubt. Finally, you'll learn to see yourself in all your complexity, with kindness and compassion.

Category: Self Esteem
Subcategory: Adult
Series: Life Skills/Social Skills
Publication Date: 01-09-2020
ISBN: 9781684033041
Pages: 200
Height: 10 in
Width: 8 in

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