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Artful Path to Mindfulness

Artful Path to Mindfulness

$ 37.95

MBSR-Based Activities for Using Creativity to Reduce Stress and Embrace the Present Moment Drawing on mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), MBSE fuses art exploration—including drawing, mark-making, and creative self-expression—with meditations, gentle yoga, breathwork, and body scans. These daily practices are designed to help you cultivate a mindset of awareness, patience, trust, acceptance, and vulnerability.

This unique workbook invites you to draw, tear, mark, play, and take risks. There is no plan, no goal, and no preconceived idea to follow. The process is simply communicating to yourself who you are in this moment, following the thread one mark at a time. The book also serves as a journal for recording your curiosity, vulnerability, and creativity. When completed, it becomes an artistic expression of life as you celebrate the profound gift that is now.

Category: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Subcategory: Adult
Author: Janet Slom
Publication Date: 01-05-2020
ISBN: 9781684034932
Pages: 208

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