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ACT Workbook for OCD <b><font color='red'>(Top 10 Bestsellers)</font></b>

ACT Workbook for OCD (Top 10 Bestsellers)

$ 37.95

Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Exposure Skills to Live Well with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Whether you've just received a diagnosis, or have suffered for years, this workbook can help. Using the powerful and proven-effective treatments in this guide, you’ll learn what type of OCD you suffer from (such as harm OCD), how to identify the underlying mechanisms of your OCD, move through triggering incidents while staying present and connected to your values, be more aware and flexible, tolerate uncertainty, and commit to behaviors that ultimately allow you to lead a full, rewarding life. Once you realize what really matters to you, you'll find the motivation needed to start on the path to psychological well-being. If you're ready to be courageous, take a risk, and stand up to your OCD symptoms, this workbook can help guide you, every step of the way.

Category: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Subcategory: Adult
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Marisa T. Mazza
Publication Date: 01-06-2020
ISBN: 9781684032891
Pages: 232

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