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Healing Painful Sex

Healing Painful Sex

$ 34.95

A Woman's Guide to Confronting,Diagnosing, and Treating Sexual Pain, Pelvic floor dysfunction, nerve pain, pelvic organ problems, endometriosis, painful bladder, and irritable bowel, Skin disorders, such as lichen sclerosis, hormonal, surgical, and post-cancer are some of the causes of sexual pain. Millions of women suffer from sexual and pelvic pain in women, yet it is frequently misdiagnosed—or not diagnosed at all. Deborah Coady, MD and Nancy Fish use their combined professional expertise as a doctor and therapist who specialize in sexual pain to provide readers with an understanding of its many causes and how to treat them, from both a physical and psychological standpoint.

Category: Psychiatry/Psychology
Subcategory: Techniques/Resources
Author: Deborah Coady, MD And Nancy Fish
ISBN: 9781580053631
Pages: 400


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