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How the Crayons Saved the Unicorn

How the Crayons Saved the Unicorn

$ 22.95

A shy unicorn has a hard time making friends. In his sadness, his colors start to fade away until they are gone completely. Worrying that he may never get back his colors or make true friends, the unicorn finds himself lost and alone. It is not until he comes across a group of spunky crayons that his world changes. The crayons band together to help their new friend get back his colors, and in the process play and have fun. The crayons’ helping generosity and friendship may just be what the unicorn has been missing! Ages 3-6

Category: Early Childhood Education
Subcategory: Parents & Children
Author: Monica Sweeney | Feronia Parker-Thomas
Publication Date: 17-09-2019
ISBN: 9781510748194
Pages: 32

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