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Teen Suicide & Self-Harm Prevention Workbook <b><font color='red'>(Event Special)</font></b>

Teen Suicide & Self-Harm Prevention Workbook (Event Special)

$ 43.95

A Clinician's Guide to Assist Teen Clients is a proactive approach to dealing with the many characteristics that may prompt teens to experience self-harm and/or suicide ideation. Designed to be used with clients in the care of a trained clinician, the purpose of this workbook is to provide you with information and tools that build upon each other to help your clients manage thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to self-harm and suicide. It offers practical, step-by-step guide to present a detailed understanding of the context in which self-harm and suicide play out in a person s life, warning signs and risk factors experienced by people suffering with thoughts and actions of hurting themselves, ways to prevent suicide ideation, and methods for finding a healthy support network. Reproducible Activity Handouts and Assessments included.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Grades 7 to 12
Series: Depression
Author: Ester R A Leutenberg | John J Liptak | Peg Johnson
Publication Date: 26-06-2019
ISBN: 9781570253591
Pages: 138

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