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Exploring Feelings For Young Children with High Functioning Asperger or ASD

Exploring Feelings For Young Children with High Functioning Asperger or ASD

$ 55.95

Using a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach, The Stress and Anger Management Program (STAMP) is designed specifically for young children in their pre-school and early school years. The book outlines a 9-session group program using methods, games and activities that are developmentally appropriate. Treatment components include affective education, cognitive restructuring, social and group stories, and the emotional toolbox. The group therapy can be tailored for individual therapy when needed. A parental component is also included to support practice at home and promote generalization outside of the classroom or therapy setting.

Category: Autism/Neurodiversity
Subcategory: Children
Series: Professional/Educator/Parent
Author: Tony Attwood | Angela Scarpa | Anthony Wells
Publication Date: 01-12-2013
ISBN: 9781849059206
Pages: 152


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