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Relationship Development Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Adults

Relationship Development Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Adults

$ 54.95

Social and Emotional Development Activities for Asperger Syndrome, Autism, PDD and NLD Establishing and maintaining such bonds is particularly difficult for people on the autism spectrum. This volume contains over 200 enjoyable and stimulating activities and exercises ranging over the entire gamut of social and emotional development, and is applicable to anyone, regardless of diagnosis, but will be particularly valuable for those on the autism spectrum. Activities can be undertaken independently, or with a teacher or therapist, and a full schema for the evaluation of progress and objectives is included. A companion website, free to purchasers provides a wealth of further information and support.

Category: Autism/Neurodiversity
Subcategory: Pre-Teen/Teen
Author: Rachelle K Sheely | Steven Gutstein
Publication Date: 15-02-2002
ISBN: 9781843107170
Pages: 432

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