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Grabber Brick Chewy P Red ( Ark )

Grabber Brick Chewy P Red ( Ark )

$ 20.95

"Chewy P" is a happy combination of two classics: P-shaped like the Grabber, but with sensory bumps like the Brick Stick. It has lots of features for sensory seekers to love: an easy-to-grab loop, a long extension to reach the back molars, large bumps on the front side, and small bumps on the back side for varying sensory input. This chew tool is a safe outlet for anyone who needs to chew, and an effective way to help calm, self-regulate, and focus. Red is Standard, Ark's softest level - recommended for mild chewers (those who do not chew through anything).

Category: Sensory Processing Therapy
Subcategory: Oral Motor
Series: Early Childhood Education
ISBN: Gabrk100red
Weight: 0.05

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