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What's Going on in There? (Brain Development in Early Childhood)

What's Going on in There? (Brain Development in Early Childhood)

$ 29.00

How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life This book discuss the brain's development from conception through the critical first five years and explores the evolution of the senses, motor skills, social and emotional behaviors, and mental functions such as attention, language, memory, reasoning, and intelligence. This remarkable book also analyzes how a baby's brain is "assembled" from scratch, the critical prenatal factors that shape brain development, how the birthing process itself affects the brain, which forms of stimulation are most effective at promoting cognitive development, and how nutrition, stress, and other physical and social factors can permanently affect a child's brain.

Category: Brain Science
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Author: Lise Eliot
Publication Date: 03-10-2000
ISBN: 9780553378252
Pages: 544

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