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Boy on the Bench (New Experience)

Boy on the Bench (New Experience)

$ 14.50

The playground is packed with children playing, but Tom is sitting on a bench with his dad. He's just not sure he's brave enough to join in. Tom can't see a space for himself anywhere in the playground - not on the slide, on the roundabout, or on the swings. When a little girl loses her teddy, will Tom have the courage to help? Gabriel Alborozo's warm, friendly illustrations perfectly bring to life this gentle, empathetic story about overcoming fears and being yourself. Ages 3 - 5.

Category: Early Childhood Education
Subcategory: Parents & Children
Series: Professional/Educator/Parent
Author: Corinne Averiss
Publication Date: 01-10-2018
ISBN: 9781405278201
Pages: 32

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