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Buckets, Dippers and Lids (Value & Virtue)

Buckets, Dippers and Lids (Value & Virtue)

$ 18.95

Secrets to Your Happiness This book takes the concept of bucket filling one step further by adding the idea that we also have an invisible lid. We "use our lid" to protect and keep the happiness inside our bucket. Offering charming illustrations with personified buckets, dippers, and lids, readers learn what gives happiness, what takes it away, and what protects it. This concrete concept helps children of all ages grow in understanding, kindness, self-control, resilience, empathy, and forgiveness. A valuable teaching tool for home, school, and life.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 7
Author: Carol McCloud
Publication Date: 07-06-2018
ISBN: 9781945369018
Pages: 48

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