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Potlatch as Pedagogy

Potlatch as Pedagogy

$ 26.00

In 1884, the Canadian government enacted a ban on the potlatch, the foundational ceremony of the Haida people. The tradition, which determined social structure, transmitted cultural knowledge, and redistributed wealth, was seen as a cultural impediment to the government’s aim of assimilation. The knowledge of the ceremony was kept alive by the Elders through other events until the ban was lifted. In 1969, a potlatch was held. The occasion: the raising of a totem pole carved by Robert Davidson, the first the community had seen in close to 80 years. From then on, the community publicly reclaimed, from the Elders who remained to share it, the knowledge that has almost been lost. Educator Sara Florence Davidson, Robert’s daughter, saw how holistic Haida traditions, built on relationships, practical, and continuous—could be integrated into contemporary educational practices, culminating in this book.

Category: Indigenous Resources
Subcategory: Professional/Educator
Author: Sara Florence Davidson
Publication Date: 12-10-2018
ISBN: 9781553797739
Pages: 96

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