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Sitting with Auntie (Meditation)

Sitting with Auntie (Meditation)

$ 19.95

Adam went to the playground to have fun, but instead of coming home happy he arrived with a mad face and a head full of angry thoughts. Will he remember Auntie's calm-down tool before it's too late? When Adam stumbles upon Auntie meditating he's curious about what she's doing. Auntie immediately takes advantage of this teachable moment to guide him to follow his breath. Breathing techniques can build emotional resilience and calm the mind to help children to release the stresses of the day. Sitting with Auntie is a story that introduces a simple breathing meditation to children, so they can learn to manage and shift their negative thoughts and emotions. The book also includes notes and additional breathing techniques for parents and teachers to try.

Category: Mindfulness/Mind-Body
Subcategory: Meditation/Stress Reduction
Author: Michelle Welsh
Publication Date: 01-06-2018
ISBN: 9781982203405
Pages: 32

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