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Conversation Train (Autism)

Conversation Train (Autism)

$ 34.50

A Visual Approach to Conversation for Children on the Autism Spectrum This inventive colour picture book uses the metaphor of a train to teach basic conventions of conversation to children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Engines are like greetings; they get the train going. Freight wagons are like different speakers' turns; it is good to have at least a few when you are in conversation. A set of points guiding a train from one track to another is like a tactful change in the topic of conversation. When a conversation veers off-topic it is like a derailed train. The book contains engaging photocopiable worksheets and colouring pages to help promote skill generalization. This highly visual approach to conversation is ideally suited to children with ASDs aged approximately 5-13.

Category: Autism/Neurodiversity
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Author: Shaul, Joel
Publication Date: 10-03-2014
ISBN: 9781849059862 
Pages: 72

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