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Self-Compassion & Mindfulness for Teens Card Deck

Self-Compassion & Mindfulness for Teens Card Deck

$ 24.95

: 54 Exercises and Conversation Starters Clinicians, educators, and even parents sometimes need help getting the conversation started with teens, especially around topics of anxiety, depression, school, ADHD, LGBTQ identity, anger, and body image. This card deck is a collection of 54 prompts using mindfulness, compassion, self-compassion, and kindness to tackle, discuss, and treat these challenging issues. Suitable for ages 13+, these versatile cards stimulate conversation and promote mindful and kind ways of being.

Category: Art and Play Therapy
Subcategory: Play Therapy - All Ages
Series: Mindfulness/Stress Reduction
Author: Lee-Anne Gray, Psy.D.
Publication Date: 30-05-2017
ISBN: PUB085020
Pages: 58

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