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Jabuti the Tortoise: A Trickster Tale

Jabuti the Tortoise: A Trickster Tale

$ 10.99

From the Amazon Rain forest. Of all the animals in the rain forest, Jabutí was the favorite. His shell was smooth and shiny, and the songs he played on his flute were sweet. But his music was a reminder, too, of the mischievous pranks Jabutí sometimes played. His song reminded Tapir of being tricked, Jaguar of being fooled, and time and again it reminded Vulture that he had no song at all. When a concert takes place in heaven, Vulture offers to fly Jabutí there . . . all the while plotting a trick of his own. Gerald McDermott makes myths new again for readers of all ages, using language as vibrant and colorful as his bold illustrations. Jabutí is an unusual tale of a trickster’s fall from grace, and of how creation can sometimes come from chaos.

Category: Early Childhood Education
Subcategory: Parents & Children
Author: McDermott, Gerald
Publication Date: 01-05-1996
ISBN: 9780152053741
Pages: 32

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