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Teens Managing Life's Expectations

Teens Managing Life's Expectations

$ 72.95

This workbook gives you the tools you need to work with teens as they manage all of the expectations thrown at them. The activities in this workbook help teens recognize, evaluate, and revise as needed expectations from others and themselves. Each chapter focuses on specific skills that teens will learn to help them manage expectations including Decision making, Empathy, Goal-setting and prioritizing, Gratitude, Resiliency, Strength from adversity, and Teamwork. Each activity in the workbook has clear instructions for the facilitator and offers a variety of options including journal writing, role playing, group discussion opportunities, goal-setting, and free expression activities. All of the worksheets and handouts are fully reproducible. Reproducible and spiral bound to facilitate making copies of the various activities and handouts.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Grades 7 to 12
Series: Life Skills/Social Skills
ISBN: 9781570253478
Pages: 138

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