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AID Autism Inventory of Development

AID Autism Inventory of Development

$ 29.95

An Assessment Tool for Parents and Professionals The Autism Inventory Development (AID) was created with two purposes in mind. First, it allows clinicians to obtain a comprehensive record of a child’s history to assist in the diagnostic process. Second, and equally important, parents, caregivers, and/or family members can create a record for themselves that holds critical and important historical information for the individual being assessed. was designed to be a tool to gather critical information for the process of assessing for Autism Spectrum Disorder. The critical informational areas the AID covers includes Family, Child, and Medical History, Developmental Milestones, Communication, Cognitive and Executive Functioning Abilities, Social Functioning, Interests, Sensory Integration and Processing, and Behaviors. Ages 16 and under.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 12
Series: Autism/Neurodiversity
Publication Date: 15-01-2018
ISBN: 9781941765784
Pages: 277

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