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Draw on Your Emotions

Draw on Your Emotions

$ 92.95

(Spiral Bound 2nd Edition) These reproducible art exercises can help people of all ages express, communicate and deal more effectively with everyday emotions. This reproducible manual has been specifically designed to ease the process of talking about feelings. It can help bring seemingly huge, unmanageable and insoluble problems into a new perspective. People can rehearse other ways of functioning safely on paper in exercises that can be adapted for any age range and ability. A superb non-verbal counselling tool, it is excellent for use with individuals or groups with Autism, Asperger, FASD, addictions, trauma, group therapy, grief, anxiety, and depression. It can also be used as a behavior intervention tool. Supplemental to this book are the the Emotion Cards, sold separately but very useful with this resource.

Category: Art and Play Therapy
Subcategory: Art Therapy
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Margot Sunderland
Publication Date: 03-04-2018
ISBN: 9781138070554
Pages: 110

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