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Wild Edge of Sorrow

Wild Edge of Sorrow

$ 24.95

Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief Grief has always been communal. We need the healing touch of others, compassion, and the comfort of ritual in order to fully metabolize our grief. We often hide our pain from the world, wrapping it in a secret mantle of shame, causing sorrow to linger unexpressed in our bodies. If we don't want grief weighing us down and pulling us into the territory of depression, we need to not fear it; instead, we can embrace it, make peace with our sorrow, knowing our bodies and our minds will find a place where we can better cope with the emotions inherent in loss.

Category: Grief/Loss
Author: Weller, Francis/Lerner, Michael
Publication Date: 15-09-2015
ISBN: 9781583949764
Pages: 224

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