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Quiet the Rage

Quiet the Rage

$ 25.95

How Learning to Manage Conflict Will Change Your Life (and the World) When we are emotionally reactive, we are not our best selves, nor do we produce the smartest outcomes. Emotional reactions create winners and losers. And winning directly at the expense of another is actually losing in disguise, due to the resentment it inspires in the loser. Often, people get stuck in a pattern of reacting emotionally, long past the time when the combativeness that once served them no longer does; long past the time when the pattern has become destructive without them being aware of it. For everyone who wants to change that part of themselves but doesn’t know how to achieve that, this is the book for you.

Category: Anger Management
Subcategory: Adult
Series: Life Skills/Social Skills
Author: R.W. Burke
Publication Date: 10-10-2017
ISBN: 9781943006410
Pages: 264

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