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Those Who Run in the Sky

Those Who Run in the Sky

$ 13.95

This teen novel is a coming-of-age story that follows a young shaman named Pitu as he learns to use his powers and ultimately finds himself lost in the world of the spirits. After a strange and violent blizzard leaves Pitu stranded on the sea ice, without his dog team or any weapons to defend himself, he soon realizes that he is no longer in the word that he once knew. After stumbling upon a fellow shaman who has been trapped in the spirit world for many years, Pitu must master all of his shamanic powers to make his way back to the world of the living, to his family, and to the girl that he loves.

Category: Indigenous Resources
Subcategory: Parents and Educators
Author: Johnston, Aviaq
Publication Date: 08-03-2017
ISBN: 9781772271218
Pages: 208

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