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Helping Couples on the Brink of Divorce

Helping Couples on the Brink of Divorce

$ 100.95

Discernment Counseling for Troubled Relationships To help confirm each partner’s agenda before taking decisive steps toward either reconciliation or divorce, this book presents a richly-illustrated protocol called discernment counselling, for helping couples understand what has happened to their relationship and each person’s contributions to the problems. The goal is to gain clarity and confidence about a direction for their marriage. Discernment counselling generally ends with a decision to divorce or a decision to engage in six months of couples therapy. Chapters cover special topics such as affairs and when one spouse has “fallen out of love” with the other.

Category: Relationships
Subcategory: Couples/Couples Therapy
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Doherty, William J/Harris, Steven M
Publication Date: 17-04-2017
ISBN: 9781433827501
Pages: 229

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