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Self-Reg <b><font color='red'>(Top 10 Bestsellers)</font></b>

Self-Reg (Top 10 Bestsellers)

$ 20.00

How to Help Your Child (And You) Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage with Life No matter how difficult a child might seem, there is a way forward: self-regulation. We are seeing a generation of children and teens with excessively high levels of stress and as a result, an explosion of emotional, social, learning, behavior, and physical health problems. In "Self-Reg" Dr. Shanker translates decades of his findings into practical advice for parents, giving them concrete ways to develop their self-regulation skills and teach their children to do the same and engage successfully with life for optimal learning, social, and emotional growth.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: (SEL) Social & Emotional Learning K-7
Series: Parenting Children
Author: Dr. Stuart A. Shanker
Publication Date: 04-07-2017
ISBN: 9780143191575
Pages: 320

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