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Rebuilding Attachments with<br>Traumatized Children

Rebuilding Attachments with
Traumatized Children

$ 87.95

Healing from Losses, Violence, Abuse, and Neglect is a therapeutic guide to helping troubled children move beyond the traumatic experiences that haunt them. Author Dr. Richard Kagan, Director of Psychological Services for Parsons Child and Family Center in Albany, New York, presents comprehensive information on how to understand--and surmount--the impact of loss, neglect, separation, and violence on children's development, how to discover and foster strengths in children and their families, and how to rebuild connections and hope for children who are at risk of harm to themselves and others. This unique book is designed to be used in tandem with Real Life Heroes: A Life Storybook for Children (Haworth), an innovative workbook that helps children develop the self-esteem they need to overcome the worries and fears of their past through a creative arts approach that fosters positive values and a sense of pride.

Category: Trauma/PTSD
Subcategory: Domestic Violence/Abuse/Rape
Author: Kagan, Richard
Publication Date: 02-01-2004
ISBN: 9780789015440
Pages: 400

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