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Yoga and Mindfulness Practices for Children Card Deck

Yoga and Mindfulness Practices for Children Card Deck

$ 28.95

Yoga and Mindfulness Practices for Children Card Deck offers over 50 activities to support health, well-being, empowerment and an improved capacity to navigate the many stressors of life without becoming overwhelmed. Beautifully illustrated by children’s yoga teacher, Karen Gilmour, coupled with easy-to-read instructions. Divided into five elements, Connect, Breathe, Move, Focus and Relax, this card deck is a comprehensive yet accessible tool kit for children themselves, as well as for parents, teachers, clinicians and others interested in helping support self-awareness and increased personal power in young people.

Category: Mindfulness/Mind-Body
Subcategory: Meditation/Stress Reduction
Author: Harper, Jennifer Cohen
Publication Date: 01-09-2016
ISBN: 9781683730187

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