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Spectrum Approach to Mood Disorders

Spectrum Approach to Mood Disorders

$ 50.00

Not Fully Bipolar But Not Unipolar--Practical Management This book provides an in-depth exploration of the signs, symptoms, and nuanced presentations of the mood disorder spectrum, focusing on the broad gray area between Major Depression and Bipolar I. Combining theoretical understanding and real-world scenarios, Phelps offers practical treatment guidelines for clinicians to better understand the subtle ways mood disorders can show up, and how to find the most beneficial path for treatment based on the patient's individual pattern of symptoms. Is it trauma, or is it bipolar? Borderline? Both? Phelps's provides readers with unparalleled insight into a subject that is by nature challenging to define.

Category: Psychiatry/Psychology
Subcategory: Techniques/Resources
Series: Depression
Author: Phelps, James R.
Publication Date: 20-06-2016
ISBN: 9780393711462
Pages: 272
Length: 6.1
Height: 9.4

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