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Cookbook for Children with Special Needs:

Cookbook for Children with Special Needs:

$ 34.50

Learning a Life Skill with Fun, Tasty, Healthy Recipes. The book starts with a basic illustrated guide to where food comes from, the different food groups, how to create our own diet and why cooking is a great skill to master. Simple, step-by-step instructions accompanied by fun illustrations, guide children through three levels of cooking, starting with fundamental basics including the preparation of a wide variety of different foods, and building up to more complex recipes. Health and safety skills are taught as an essential part of the cooking activity and healthy eating habits are reinforced throughout.

Category: Inclusion/Disability
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Life Skills/Social Skills
Author: French, Deborah
Publication Date: 01-07-2015
ISBN: 9781849055383
Pages: 200

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