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Foundational Concepts in Neuroscience

Foundational Concepts in Neuroscience

$ 63.50

A Brain-Mind Odyssey. A fresh take on contemporary brain science, this book presents neuroscience—the scientific study of brain, mind, and behavior—in easy-to-understand ways with a focus on concepts of interest to all science readers. Rigorous and detailed enough to use as a textbook in a university or community college class, it is at the same time meant for any and all readers, clinicians and non-clinicians alike, interested in learning about the foundations of contemporary brain science. From molecules and cells to mind and consciousness, the known and the mysterious are presented in the context of the history of modern biology and with an eye toward better appreciating the beauty and growing public presence of brain science.

Category: Brain Science
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Author: Presti, David E
Publication Date: 15-12-2015
ISBN: 9780393709605
Pages: 320


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