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Managing Trauma Workbook

Managing Trauma Workbook

$ 72.95

A Toolbox of Reproducible Assessments and Activities for Facilitators
The purpose of this workbook is to provide a user-friendly guide to short-term assessments and activities to help people manage their issues related to trauma, and experience a greater sense of well-being. In addition, this workbook is designed to help provide facilitators and participants with tools and information needed to overcome the stigma attached to the reactions of trauma issues. The Managing Trauma Workbook contains the following 5 modules: 1) The Story of My Trauma 2) Re-Experiencing My Trauma Symptoms 3)Escape-Mode 4) Making the Transition 5) Erasing the Stigma of Mental Health Issues.

Category: Trauma/PTSD
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Author: John Liptak & Ester Leutenberg
Publication Date: 01-04-2016
ISBN: 9781570253348
Pages: 128

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