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Helping Abused and<br> Traumatized Children

Helping Abused and
Traumatized Children

$ 42.95

Integrating Directive and Nondirective Approaches Presenting an integrative model for treating traumatized children, this book combines play, art, and other expressive therapies with ideas and strategies drawn from cognitive-behavioral and family therapy. Eliana Gil demonstrates how to tailor treatment to the needs of each child by using both directive and nondirective approaches. Throughout, practical clinical examples illustrate ways to target trauma-related symptomatology while also helping children process painful feelings and memories that are difficult to verbalize. The book concludes with four in-depth cases that bring to life the unique situation of each child and family, the decision-making process of the therapist, and the applications of developmentally informed, creative, and flexible interventions.

Category: Trauma/PTSD
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Gil, Eliana
Publication Date: 11-03-2011
ISBN: 9781609184742
Pages: 254

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