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Helping Them Heal

Helping Them Heal

$ 29.95

How Teachers Can Support Young Children Who Experience Stress and Trauma. Helping Them Heal explains how trauma affects the developing brain, how those changes can manifest in the classroom, and what teachers and caregivers can do to help a stressed, abused, or neglected child. Helping Them Heal provides early childhood educators with answers, ideas, and specific classroom strategies to move trauma-affected children in positive directions. Early childhood educators will learn ways to help children build resilience, self-regulation, and self-competence using this sensitive, supportive, and practical guide.

Category: Trauma/PTSD
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Child and Youth
Author: Peterson, Karen
Publication Date: 01-03-2014
ISBN: 9780876594759
Pages: 192


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