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Mindfulness-Integrated CBT for Well-being and Personal Growth

Mindfulness-Integrated CBT for Well-being and Personal Growth

$ 40.95

Four Steps to Enhance Inner Calm, Self-Confidence and Relationships. This is a clear, streamlined guide to using Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behavior Therapy (MiCBT) to improve well-being and manage a range of personal and interpersonal difficulties. This book integrates the core principles of Eastern mindfulness with the Western evidence-based principles of CBT. Provides simple and practical, step-by-step guidance to understanding and implementing the four stages of MiCBT with helpful FAQ sections, success stories from patients, and free access on the companion website to the author’s MP3 audio instructions for basic and advanced mindfulness meditation techniques.

Category: Mindfulness/Mind-Body
Subcategory: Meditation/Stress Reduction
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Cayoun, Bruno
Publication Date: 16-02-2015
ISBN: 9781118509135
Pages: 304

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