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How Beautiful the Ordinary: Twelve Stories of Identity

How Beautiful the Ordinary: Twelve Stories of Identity

$ 29.95

A girl thought to be a boy steals her sister's skirt, while a boy thought to be a girl refuses to wear a cornflower blue dress. One boy's love of a soldier leads to the death of a stranger. The present takes a bittersweet journey into the past when a man revisits the summer school where he had "an accidental romance." In non-traditional narratives, short stories, and brief graphics, tales of anticipation and regret, eagerness and confusion present distinctively modern views of love, sexuality, and gender identification. Together, they reflect the vibrant possibilities available for young people learning to love others—and themselves—in today's multifaceted and quickly changing world.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 12
Series: LGBTQIA+
Author: Cart, Michael
Publication Date: 06-10-2009
ISBN: 9780061154980
Pages: 368

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