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Teens Out-of-the-Box Coping Skills

Teens Out-of-the-Box Coping Skills

$ 72.95

The activities in Teens – Out-of-the-Box Coping Skills tap into the fun and energetic creativity of teens to teach them new coping skills for teens to deal with stress, change, and the many obstacles they face as they grow into responsible and caring adults. The seven chapters include: De-Stress; Build Emotional Empowerment; Develop Healthy Habits; Manage Social Media; Stand Up for Self and Others; Overcome Obstacles; Advance Beyond Coping – Thrive.

Category: Life Skills/Social Skills
Subcategory: Professional/Educator
Series: Adolescent
Author: Leutenberg, Ester/ Butler, Carol
Publication Date: 01-01-2015
ISBN: 9781570253256
Pages: 116


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