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RTI in the Classroom:

RTI in the Classroom:

$ 50.95

Guidelines and Recipes for Success. Written expressly for teachers, this book is jam-packed with tools and strategies for integrating response to intervention (RTI) into everyday instruction in grades K-5. Numerous real-world examples connect RTI concepts to what teachers already know to help them provide effective instruction for all students, including struggling learners. Drawing on extensive classroom experience, the authors: Present color-coded intervention recipes for all three tiers of RTI implementation; Provide hands-on tools and 50 reproducible, with a large format and sturdy spiral binding for ease of use; Explain the core features of RTI and what they look like in action; Describe evidence-based instructional methods for reading, writing, math, and behavior; Show how to fit assessment and progress monitoring into the busy school day.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 7
Author: Brown-Chidsey, Rachel/ Bronaugh, Louise
Publication Date: 01-06-2009
ISBN: 9781606232972
Pages: 224

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