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Facing Your Fears Facilitator Set

Facing Your Fears Facilitator Set

$ 129.95

Facilitator's Manual. Ideal for small groups of 4-5 children but also effective in one-to-one therapy, this proven, ready-to-use program is a must for mental health professionals who work with children and families in clinical settings. Developed to address the specific needs and challenges of children with high-functioning ASD and Asperger syndrome, Facing Your Fears works because it: Targets specific fears or worries that interfere with day-to-day functioning at home and school; Actively involves parents in every session - the key to helping children make progress and ensuring that families provide skillful, sensitive support; and more. With the Facilitator's Manual, group leaders will get complete guidance on conducting each session: clear step-by-step instructions, materials lists, goals, sample schedules, and helpful hints for running sessions smoothly.

Category: Psychiatry/Psychology
Subcategory: Techniques/Resources
Series: Autism/Neurodiversity
Author: Reaven, Judy
Publication Date: 01-04-2011
ISBN: 9781598571783
Pages: 192

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