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Orca Chief Northwest Coast Native Legends

Orca Chief Northwest Coast Native Legends

$ 19.95

Thousands of years ago in the village of Kitkatla, four hunters leave home in the spring to harvest seaweed and sockeye. When they arrive at their fishing grounds, exhaustion makes them lazy and they throw their anchor overboard without care for the damage it might do to marine life or the sea floor. When Orca Chief discovers what the hunters have done, he sends his most powerful orca warriors to bring the men and their boat to his house. The men beg forgiveness for their ignorance and lack of respect, and Orca Chief compassionately sends them out with his pod to show them how to sustainably harvest the ocean's resources. Orca Chief is the third in a series of Northwest Coast legends by Roy Henry Vickers and Robert Budd.

Category: Indigenous Resources
Subcategory: Professional/Educator
Author: Vickers, Roy Henry; Budd, Robert
Publication Date: 15-03-2015
ISBN: 9781550176933
Pages: 40

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