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Seeing Red<br>Anti-Bullying Curriculum

Seeing Red
Anti-Bullying Curriculum

$ 19.95

An Anger Management and Anti-bullying Curriculum for Kids Seeing Red is a curriculum designed to help elementary and middle-school aged students better understand their anger so they can make healthy and successful choices and build strong relationships. This completely revised and updated edition includes a comprehensive anti-bullying component, complete with cutting-edge material specific to cyber-bullying and social media. Designed especially for use with small groups, Seeing Red enables participants to learn from and empower one another. Its unique group process helps children and teens build important developmental objectives such as leadership skills (taking initiative, presenting in front of the group), social skills (taking turns, active listening), and building self-esteem (problem solving, interacting with peers).

Category: Anger Management
Subcategory: Child & Adolescent
Series: Professional/Educator/Parent
Author: Simmonds, Jennifer
Publication Date: 01-07-2014
ISBN: 978086571760
Pages: 128

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