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Healing the Traumatized Self

Healing the Traumatized Self

$ 65.99

This book discusses the neurobiology behind emotional states and presents exercises for developing self awareness. Topics include mood (both unipolar and bipolar), anxiety (particularly PTSD), and dissociative disorders. Frewen and Lanius comprehensively review psychological and neurobiological research, and explain how to use this research to become aware of emotional states within both normal and psychopathological functioning. Therapists will be able to help survivors of trauma, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and dissociative disorders develop emotional awareness. The book also includes case studies, detailed instructions for clinicians, and handouts ready for use in assessment/therapy with patients/clients.

Category: Trauma/PTSD
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Author: Frewen, Paul, Lanius, Ruth
Publication Date: 01-12-2014
ISBN: 9780393705515

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