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Too Close, Too Far, Just Right: Personal Space (Board Game)

Too Close, Too Far, Just Right: Personal Space (Board Game)

$ 48.95

Many kids, especially those with ADHD, autism, or Asperger's, are unaware of the socially accepted physical boundaries that most of us take for granted. This game helps them learn what's "too close", "too far", or "just right" in various social situations. Children take turns performing social scenarios described on Role Play Cards, and then the group decides whether their proximity to each other is appropriate for the particular situation. Players learn that standing too close or too far away can make people feel uncomfortable or confused in certain circumstances. Focused and fun, this game is a gentle way to help kids grasp the idea of personal space and thereby improve their relationships. Ages 5-12.

Category: Autism/Neurodiversity
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Author: Weiss, Claudia
ISBN: W-494

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