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Treatment of Complex Trauma

Treatment of Complex Trauma

$ 40.95

A Sequenced, Relationship-Based Approach This insightful guide provides a pragmatic roadmap for treating adult survivors of complex psychological trauma. Christine Courtois and Julian Ford present their effective, research-based approach for helping clients move through three clearly defined phases of posttraumatic recovery. Two detailed case examples run throughout the book, illustrating how to plan and implement strengths-based interventions that use a secure therapeutic alliance as a catalyst for change. Essential topics include managing crises, treating severe affect dysregulation and dissociation, and dealing with the emotional impact of this type of work.

Category: Trauma/PTSD
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Courtois, Christine/Ford, Julian
ISBN: 9781462524600
Pages: 378

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